You may think I’m referring to my photography business. I do love photography, but I’m actually talking about my job as Sydney’s mom. Her personality is really starting to show and I just love it. She does the funniest things these days. Like yesterday, she stuck her finger in a small tube and when she pulled it out it made a popping noise. This made her laugh – without being tickled! She did it again and again. Several times this week she has stopped and really looked at me. She started pointing to my nose, then her nose, then my eyes, then her eyes. Then started playing with my hair and sweeping it away from my face, like I always do to her. I just caught myself thinking, these are the things I would probably miss if somebody else was watching her during the day. Being a full time stay home mom is a lot harder than I thought it would be (and I only have 1 to take care of!). But like they say, it is the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. (Photography comes in at a close second!). I recently asked another photographer who has two small children if she had any advice on how to juggle work vs. family. (It gets overwhelming at times). Her comment was to remember that they are only this small once, and to really try not to take for granted the stage of life that your kids are in. So lately I’ve been trying to keep my computer turned off when Sydney’s awake, and to really focus on her and do things with her, and not try to keep her distracted while I try to get work done.
I am so thankful to Tom for working so hard to be able to give me the opportunity to stay home with Sydney. I only wish he could be here every day too to see all the amazing things that happen with her on a daily basis. He is such a good man and we are very blessed to have him as a husband and daddy.